To sell…or not to sell

I’ve had this issue lately about whether or not to sell email at my job. Many of my team mates and my supervisor seem cautious, to say the least, about selling and not over exposing our team to the “higher ups” with too many email sales. I sell a lot of email, I mean a lot, more than any other product. I feel like the team, specifically my new team mates, do not validate my sales and only wish to sell one type of product to our customers. One of my old team mates encourages me to sell as much as I can. As for my direct report, I don’t know for sure how he feels. I could come down to a big sale landing in my lap and me placing the order, only to gain the attention of everyone, and I think that is the main issue. I’ll need to play tip toe for a few weeks I think.

I am addressing and sticking to the guidelines so far. One stipulation is selling value, and I do sell value with 3 year terms. This is also confirmed by the higher ups a few months ago, that there is value in longer terms.

Its a good feeling to do well on my team, but not good to know that others don’t like you because you’re doing well with email.